About Me

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I am a Husband, Father, Uncle, Son, and Friend. I am a typical "guy", down to earth, and extremely positive. The continuing expansion of myself is characterized and motivated by the relationships in my life that I cherish starting with Jesus, My beautiful and awesome wife Emily, my two sons: Rocky (Ricardo II) and Romi (Roman). Family is important to me and without them I would not be the man that I am today. I am thankful for all of things that God has chosen to bless with me and give all the glory and honor to him!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Seek Him first

Matthew 6:33 says" Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all things will be added onto you".

That verse means a lot to me for a couple of reasons:

#1 It's the verse that God gave me while I was looking for a wife. (He provided) http://emilykate3130.blogspot.com/ Check out her posts! She's amazing!!!

#2 It's the verse that God gave my pastor while in the waiting of a huge milestone for our church. (THE MOVE) the close of one chapter and the beginning of a new!!

From Chesterfield to THE CLEM!!!!

During my short existence of life (yes, 30 years is short) I have yet to realize that God's plans our better and bigger than anything that I can ever imagine or plan. No matter how many times I tell myself that, I still fall in the same routine bad habit of trying to do it myself. And every time God's shows me up, every time!

And it's not one of those things where I'm mad that I got showed up but relieved and mostly excited.

My wife and I, along with our church, are transitioning into a place that God has called us to be, Mt Clemens!! And along the way we have tried to plan our every move, and every time God has continually showed us that His plans are bigger and better than any of ours. What a relief!

His word say's "Seek Him first," and that is my plan for this year! To seek Him first in everything that I do.