About Me

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I am a Husband, Father, Uncle, Son, and Friend. I am a typical "guy", down to earth, and extremely positive. The continuing expansion of myself is characterized and motivated by the relationships in my life that I cherish starting with Jesus, My beautiful and awesome wife Emily, my two sons: Rocky (Ricardo II) and Romi (Roman). Family is important to me and without them I would not be the man that I am today. I am thankful for all of things that God has chosen to bless with me and give all the glory and honor to him!

Friday, April 1, 2011

a life plan already chosen

It has always been a relief for me to know that my life has been planned by God. I don't need to have a master plan I just have to follow my master's plan! He has a plan, a perfect plan for my life and the only thing I have to do is listen to Him and obey. That's it! How come something that is so easy to say, and so easy to write is so hard to live out.  Even though it is a relief, my flesh takes over and I start to pile on surmountable amounts of pressure and ask God to fix it when I realize that I can't do it by myself. And He always reminds me that it wasn't Him that piled things on, He allowed it but it was the result of my own actions and decisions. It can be as easy as I say it is or write it is. Just listen and obey. That's it. It is hard to listen when the white noise of my own selfishness clouds my thoughts. If I focus on God, pray to God, worship God, spend time with God, then the easier it is to obey and the less pressure I pile on myself. God's plan is far better than anything that I could ever imagine or come up with on my own. My prayer is that my choices would be simple, obedient of Him, and thoughtful of others. I do not want to be consumed by myself but consumed by an awesome God! And the plan that He has for me will be lived out because my choices and decision are not selfish but obedient and honoring to God!